
One word

Where is your cell phone.....................bar

Your hair....................................... wet

Your father..................................... far away
Your favorite thing............................ dreaming
Your dream last night.........................nightmare
Your favorite drink............................ tea
Your dream/goal............................... travelling
The room you are in..........................living
Your fear.......................................controlled
Where do you want to be in 6 years.......sea
One of your wish list items..................a work
Where you grew up........................... Saint-Martin-des-Champs
The last thing you did.........................reading
What are you wearing........................ pyjama
Your TV..........................................off
Your pets........................................acarid
Your computer..................................vital
Your life.........................................busy
Your mood......................................tired
Missing someone...............................yes
Your car.........................................rer
Favorite store..................................abbey bookshop (rue de la parcheminerie, paris)
Your summer...................................in work (croisement de doigts... pause mariage au milieu)
Your favorite color............................. purple
When is the last time you laughed...........today
Last time you cried.............................yesterday
Three people who email me...................love, friends, work
Three of my favorite foods................... Macaron, Chocolat, Lalande Pommerol 
Three places I would rather be right now...New Orleans, Reyjkavik, Tokyo.
Three people I think will respond............Puceron, Haricote, Cathia (on paper... tu le crées ce blog????).

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Non toujours pas hé hé !! Ou alors oui, mais sous une forme impersonnelle ;-)

オテモヤン a dit…
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